Dedicated to promoting Herefords in Iowa.


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Ads for cattle “Wanted”. Ads will run for a period of 60 days, and must be Hereford cattle related. After 60 days, ads may be updated and
Contact Marilyn Lenth at [email protected] to have listings posted, updated or removed.

JB Ranch, Wayne, Nebraska

Contact: Bev Beeson, 402-375-9027 or [email protected]

Selling:  Selling:  Nice group of twelve (12) Homozygous Polled Hereford Bulls to select from.  All are coming 2-yr olds, big and thick, already semen tested and ready-to-go to work.  Contact Bev for more details, pricing, and with any questions.

(Date Posted: 1/27/2025)

Furlong Cattle Company, Letts, Iowa

Contact: Tom Furlong, 563-260-1922

Selling:  Complete Herd Dispersal - including 13 top quality bred cows, 3-8 yrs. Old.  Primarily Trust and R.Leader genetics.  Ten are bred to UPS Endure 9662, three are bred to a Vanguard son.  Bulls were put in June 3rd, all are preg checked with most estimated due from last half of March into April.   Also selling 16 high quality spring open heifers - replacement quality.  Already DNA tested (14 are homozygous polled), 13 are sired by UPS Endure 9662.  These would be a great addition to any herd.  Priced from $2,500-$3,500.  Contact Tom for more information or to set a time to look at them.

(Date Posted: 1/13/2025)

Suchan Show Cattle, Gowrie, Iowa

Contact: Andy Suchan, 515-351-9852 or [email protected]

Selling:  Three (3) Polled Hereford Heifers - American Classic X OCC Miss Liberty 1J (04/29/2024); Crane 867E Leader X Hawk River 16K ET(03/30/2024);  Perfecto 11B X Hawk Ava 2101ET (01/26/2024). Also offering Hereford Steer - Marksman X JCC OCC Molly 03ET (03/20/2024), and Scurred Hereford Bull LCX Perfecto 11B x OCC Miss Liberty 1J (02/18/2023). All these animals have great dispositions. Pictures , videos, and EPDs can be sent on animals upon request. 

(Date Posted: 12/17/2024)

R&R Cattle Company, Wilton, Iowa

Contact: Jack Rife, 515-974-9600 or Delaney Rife, 319-325-0036

Selling:  Impressive group of 25 registered Hereford spring bred heifers. Bred A.I., then exposed to high quality Charles Hutton son as the clean-up bull. All confirmed pregnant at preg check. Photos and videos can be provided upon request. Asking $3,500 for buyers’ choice. Contact Jack Rife or Delaney Rife with any questions, for more information, or to set up a time to view the cattle.

(Date Posted: 11/26/2024)

Lenth Herefords, Postville, Iowa

Contact: Marilyn Lenth, 319-269-3146

Selling:  Three Fall-2023 born registered Hereford bulls ready for immediate service and over 30 Winter/Spring 2024 bulls that will be ready for 2025 service.   Will feed and hold until breeding season.  Also offering two fall bred heifers for spring 2025 possession, to calve in Fall-2025.  Photos, videos, EPD's and stats all available on website:

(Date Posted: 12/17/2024)

Ohrt Polled Herefords, Haverhill, Iowa

Contact: Mark Ohrt, 641-328-4533 or 641-485-1758

Selling:  Coming 2-yr-old Bull: MLO Cudas Royce #308L, Reg #P44472914, DOB 3/20/23, BW: 87, WW: 660 (no creep feed), YW: 1224. Also selling current 4-yr-old Herd Bull (saving back lot of his heifers): OBH Cuda 758H, Reg #P44199893, DOB: 8/9/2020. Homozygous Polled, CHB Sire of Distinction. Both have excellent dispositions. EPD's available upon request. Call Mark to discuss or to set up a time to visit and view the bulls.

(Date Posted: 9/16/2024)

Landt Herefords, Union, Iowa

Contact: Steve Landt, 641-751-8810

Selling:  Registered Yearling Hereford Bulls for sale. Excellent bloodlines, variety of traits available. Contact Steve for more details, information and pricing.

(Date Posted: 9/16/2024)

Simpson Polled Herefords, Redfield, Iowa

Contact: Mike Simpson, 515-833-2991

Selling:  Semen for Sale: Non-AI certificate bull -- $30/straw; commercial price semen available. S COVENTRY Y02 4D homozygous, smooth polled, home-raised York son. Top 1% EPDs in the breed for WW, YW, Carcass Weight, REA and CHB. Top 10% of breed for calving ease. Top 20% or better in 11 of the 20 breed EPD traits and top 10% or better in 8 traits Exciting high accuracy sire that has a big spread of calving ease to go with high growth and carcass traits. CHB Sire of Distinction. See website:

(Date Posted: 9/16/2024)