IHBA membership dues are $65 per calendar year.
Dues may be paid for 1, 2 or 3 years in advance.
Make checks payable to “Iowa Hereford Breeders Association”
Mail dues to:
Marilyn Lenth, Administrative Secretary
13690 130th Street
Postville, IA 52162
Benefits of IHBA Membership:
State Sale: February at the Iowa Beef Expo
(Members may nominate cattle)
Annual Meeting/Tour: August or September
Newsletter: Published 5 times per year
IHBA Website: FREE Listings of cattle "for sale"
IHBA Website: All current members, their contact and web information are listed
Additional Activities Member Dues Support:
- Gammon Barn Museum
- Youth awards & scholarships
- 4-H/FFA County Champion Hereford awards
- Financial support for the Iowa Hereford Queen and Princess
- Advertising during bull- and calf-buying seasons
- Hall of Fame recognition
- Hereford Steer Futurity Show
- Social gatherings at Beef Expo and State Fair
- Friend of Industry member of Iowa Cattleman’s Association
Please complete the form below to join IHBA.
Forward payment to the Administrative Secretary.